The month of August has been a busy one especially the first weekend. A works do on the Friday night was just getting me ready for a full on weekend. Saturday morning I was up early to travel to Christchurch for the Thar show. Graham Gurr from Halcyon press had a stand and was releasing my new book onto the market and by me being there I could sign any books for any person who may want a signed copy. Also the New Zealand Pig Hunting Association had a stand their that I was helping out on and right next to this stand was Matt Willis from the hooked on Boars Magazine. So you can see that pig hunting was well represented at the Thar show this year and I was kept busy. As soon as the show was over for the day I was back on the road and heading north to Waiau to help out at their first club hunt. Matt Simmons was one of the main organizes for this comp and had sorted out a pig hunt for me with one of the locals.
Next morning I was up and waiting in the car park before 6.30am for Joe Moriarty who was going to take my out for a pig hunt with his son and a couple of mates. I had along with me my two main dogs Lightning and Cloud. The dogs had put in a good find on a 100 pound boar and as I was approaching this pig with a young guy, Tom, his dog went down along with another dog so

Tom got to stick this boar. As we where carrying it out one of Joe’s dogs,Boss put up a bail which broke when the other dogs arrived and ended up away down the gully. Joe’s nephew Bo and his mate went down after this one which turned out to be another boar about 100 pounds. They called us on the walkie talkies and said that they would carry this pig out of the bottom of the gully instead of going up and over top of the hill. By this time it was 1pm and I was supposed to be back at the weigh in so Joe dropped me off at my ute so I could head out while he want back to get the other guys. It was not until I was half way through the prize giving that Joe and his crew turned up with my dogs and another 100 pound pig.