The hill that I had put the dog kennels on has been slowly wearing away making it hard jump for the dogs to get into their kennels so I wanted to make a concrete path along the front of them to make things easier for me and the dogs. This was not going to be a straight forward easy job as I first have to get the sheep away from around the kennels. To do this I took the motorbike up to the top of the hill with the sheep following.

Once I had them all at the top of the hill I had to go fast down the hill and get an electric fence around the kennels before any sheep turned up. Once the fence was up then I carted the concrete mixer up along with a trailer load of gravel and four bags of cement. I concreted under the dog kennels to tidy them up a bit and put the path along the front.

The path took a lot of concrete as it just seem to disappear. It took two extra trailer loads of gavel that had to be shoveled on to the trailer and shoveled back off again into the concrete mixer. This concrete mixer is better than any gym membership as it works most muscles and I have something to show for all of my hard work afterwards. I have had to put both Lightning and Fog into the dog box on the truck for the night as I don’t want any dog foot prints right across the concrete. I did however end up with a couple of marks made by the chickens. At the side of the kennels I am going to make the chicken house so that they are away from the house a bit to keep them out of the gardens as they are starting to make a bit of a mess.