For me to be able to put these updates onto my website I have get into phone coverage. My two options are to head over to the track opposite the house which means I only need to open one gate and the dogs can come with me but they need their tracking collars on as there could be a wild pig about or head up behind the house which means getting through the first gate without the chickens coming through into the yard. Putting the dogs in their kennels so that they don’t stir up the pigs. Having food ready at the second gate so either the pigs the horse or the sheep don’t try and break through. Once up the hill there is some amazing views either over into the McKenzie country or on a fine day you can see the port hills above Christchurch. To add to this the sheep, pigs horse and cows will be close to us.
Day 25 I got a lot of jobs done first I took the generator and grinder down to the orchard block and cut six large drums from around some of our fruit trees that are now big enough that the sheep wont kill them.
Next I managed to hand shear the crazy Awapara ram and one of his offsiders then put them back into the pig block.
Last job For the day was to cut down the box that I had batteries in. These were the old batteries from our house and rather than setting up a 24 volt system at the hut I have put in a 12 volt system that runs the lights at anytime I go into the hut. The other 6 two volt batteries have made another 12 volt system to run our electric fence unit.
This next bit of footage is from the house when the dogs are letting me know the pigs have come down for a feed.
Second day of setting up the piglets trap.
Day 26
Day 28 while I was having a break from clearing the scrub I noticed that a couple of my walnut trees had dropped their walnuts.