Day 4 was a good day for gardening so they are looking good. On day 5 the skies opened up and we ended up with 37 mls of rain, it was a good day to catch up on my tax.
Day 6 and I started war on the thistles. I used to hate thistles because they are prickly but now I have learnt that they are good for the ground as they normally grow on disturbed ground and their long tap root draws the goodness back to the topsoil which helps the grass to grow.
Day 7 and Janice and I had to go out to our runoff block to move the sheep. While there I dagged 42 sheep and brought 1 young weather home for the freezer.
Day 8 and I knew the dogs were getting restless as they are not used to going this long without a hunt. While I was cleaning the shed out I heard Rastus put a bail up in the training block. None of my 3 dogs were wearing muzzles but I let the other two dogs go and join In to work some energy off them.
Later in the day when I came up the hill to get phone coverage two of my sows came down with their new piglets 10 in total.