Roman Valpy with Charlie
Roman is 15 years old and just got the bug to get into pig hunting so he had brought his three year old dog Charlie up to see if we could get him to want […]
Roman is 15 years old and just got the bug to get into pig hunting so he had brought his three year old dog Charlie up to see if we could get him to want […]
It has been a while since I have writing an article for my web site as I have been putting a lot of my energy and time into putting up fencing on our land. […]
The recent hunting competition at Colgate had a prize for a 24 hour training package for a father and son up at my training block. The winner was 8 year old Jade and rather than […]
The Lincoln competition weigh in was on the 24/7/20116. This comp is run by the Lincoln young farmers which consists of a lot of the Lincoln university students. This is the third year that the […]
This was the first open competition that the SCPHC had organised and run. The comp was held at the Wolseley hotel in Winchester on the 10th of July with 50% of the proceeds going […]
This was to be the first comp that I have been to that the animals outnumbered the entries. There were 65 adult entries and 66 animals weighed in 42 boars, 5 stags and 19 sows. […]