We have not had any significant rain for the past six months. With things being so dry thee creek that we get the water for the house has dried up. Down at the bottom of the hill there is still plenty of water so I take my ute down with a 1000 litre tank on the back. This takes about three hours to full using a garden hose. While it is filling I go and do some other jobs so I don’t have to wait around.

When it is full I can then drive it up above our water tank and drain it back down into the tank. For a start I had to siphon the water out though the top as the outlet on the bottom did not have any fittings. I managed to get a cap to go where the tap is at the bottom of the small tank. I drilled the middle of the cap out then put a hose fitting though that so the other side screwed back onto that fitting. I also used some silicon to stop any leaks. I am hoping that using the tap on the bottom of the tank will speed up the time it takes to empty. Through the top of the tank takes three hours.