What an eventfall day. I started just on daylight taking the dogs out for a quick hunt. Tig and Bro put in a good find and managed to bail a 91 lb boar up 700 meters above the track. I had just had some new ammo loaded up for the 44 and one of the bullets shoots very quite so I thought I would try this bullet to see how it went. Two things went wrong first I must have turned the recording button off so did not get the footage I wanted and the second thing was the bullet did not have the power to drop the boar. I hit him right at the base of the ear and he instantly turned and came at me. My gun is only a single shot so I was pleased when the dogs grabbed him so I could finish the job with the knife.
Getting him up out of the gut was tricky as the snowy conditions made things very slippery. Once I was out I could drag him along through the snow.
On the way out Tig put up another bail. This time it was a sow about 90 lb. Because she was so far off the track I called the dogs off and let her go for another day.

Back at home I hang the boar up and started sorting out some jobs around the house when I heard people down at the waterfall that sounded like they were jumping off. A couple of days earlier we had 17cm of snow so the water would be freezing.
This I had to see. So I put the dogs away and went down on the four wheeler. It turned out to be a group of young blokes who were kayaking off the waterfall. These guys did not look like novices and they really knew their stuff. They had one guy filming and the kayaker would whistle when coming up to the waterfall so their camera man was ready.
While the water looked dam cold these guys had good wet suits and looked like they were having fun.
Back at the house I had to feed the animals and moved the sheep. While doing this Tig and Bro bailed up a sow in the dog kennel paddock which they broke down hill and she bailed underneath the dog kennels.
I let Tig bail her for a while before calling him off and letting her wonder back up the hill.
A very eventfall day. Normally Tig does not hunt as well as he did this day as his normal job is catching possums. I think the reason he performed well is because I had a hunting trip down south ten days earlier and left him behind so he was trying to say to me, don’t leave me behind next time boss.
we will get the bullet speed right Mate…just a bit of tweaking to do to keep it a light load,but with enough power.