Well that’s what it felt like at the time. I like having my animals around and learning from them. Recently I have added a new boar to the block and this has got the bigger boars trying to sort out a pecking order. Because Digger is the main boar in the block he sees that it is his job to sort out any trouble that might happen. Where I come into this pecking order is that I should always be in control so when a main boar tries to have a go at me I make sure that he is quickly put in his place. One thing that a main boar hates is being made look silly in front of the other boars. So by me being dominant over him he has no option but to back down, top boars hate this so it is easier for them to look at me not as a threat but as the person who is at another level of control. So the boar has got to not try arguing with me.

A couple of days ago I was in the main block beside the fence to Mr Pigs block and the two main boars were trying to fight through the fence as I walked down. Because I was on Diggers side I had to have my wits about me. Digger was quite worked up as he came at me side on sharpening his tusks and grunting at me. I had to use my boot a couple of times to keep him back. In the background I had the Black boar trying to chase the Black and White boar and as I was backing away it was like I was being hunted out of the block by the boars.
I came away and left them with a bit of time to settle down. Troy Gebady was standing back watching me and said, they will get you one day. Digger is the only boar to put a scar on me so far, a small scar above my right knee. That day the Black and White boar got in with Digger and Boris when Boris was the main boar in the block. That day Boris was fighting With black and White and I was filming and as they went down into the pine trees I went to get over the fence to follow them and as I stepped over Fog also went to jump over at the same time and he hit me in the side of the head with his Muzzle at a fear wallop. As I was standing their trying to work out what had just happened Digger came up and ran his tusk up my leg just enough to draw blood but not enough for stitches. I was quick to back off out of there that day.
A couple of days later I was in the block again with Fog, Lightning and Snow and we had a good run on the new black boar and on my way to the action Digger managed to intercept me so I had to throw a rock at him as he was trying to get a bit grumpy with me. As we were heading out of the block up the fence line between the main block and small block. Half way up Mr Pig and Digger were trying to argue with each other through the fence as I approach the three dogs forced Digger to step aside for me to walk through. Digger does not like to be shown up so he tries to take out his anger on the dogs but they are far too good for him. We were in big pine trees at the time and as I got in close Digger decided to get grumpy with me.
I was behind a pine tree but I had to back off down the pig track hoping not to trip up as I backed up as I was not going to take my eyes off him for a second. At one point I lifted my leg up to kick him back from me which gets him to back up for a second before coming through right beside me. I did manage to keep myself clear of his head but he did brush his body along my legs on the way past. I gave the dogs another 10 minutes on him before calling them off.
I can see that I will have to be careful with him in the future.
You should carry an Electric Cattle prod…
Years ago when I drove a stock truck I used an electric cattle proder but for what I am doing with the animals I don’t want to stir them up as I would rather control them with my voice and body language to try and keep them calm.