This was to be Hamish’s third trip into the block for some extra training with his young bitch Indy. Indy had been doing a bit of hunting lately with some harder dogs so was used to getting in and grabbing at the pigs. I had not been out for a hunt for the past five days so was keen to get the out and catch a pig. So when Hamish turned I suggested that we take his dog Indy and Fog out for a quick hunt. It did not take Fog long to to start tracking a pig. As we were watching we got to see Fog tracking up a hill face three hundred meters away and up above him was a sow with young pigs following her. As soon as Fog tracked out over the top I said to Hamish that we would be better going back to the four wheeler and driving around the road to get below Fog. As we rode around the road we got to within 200 meters of Fog where we parked the bike. As soon as I turned the bike motor off we could hear Fog bailing up in the gully above us. This pig had picked one of the nastiest pieces of scrub to bail in that I knew of.

Indy went up towards Fog as soon as she heard the first clear bark and we could hear her up their giving Fog a hand. As we started to close in on the bail Indy came back to us and was not that keen to get back in as this was obviously a very good boar. We spent the next thirty minutes trying to get close to this boar and finally I got to within about seven meters of him so I lined up with a shot into the spine of the boar and that was the last we saw of him as he broke out of their so obviously my shot was not as good as I had hoped. Fog tracked out another four hundred meters before returning with out the pig. I could not tell him off as he had been on this pig for well over an hour. We returned back to the block and put Fog back into his kennel to give him a rest while we had a break. While we were sitting around we watched Indy watching the sheep below the house but she did not try to go towards them.

Next we put Lightning in with the black and white boar. I think Indy may have got a bit of a fright on the boar earlier on in the day as she was a bit reluctant to get in to close with Lightning and his boar, she did have a few barks but was very stand offish.
Once we had finished with the pigs we went down the track with the clay bird thrower and the shot gun and had a couple of turns at shooting some clays. This was a great way to finish off a top day with a great guy.