Normally I expect a dog to be catching their own pigs well before they are two but most dogs still have the odd bad day until they reach three year old and settle down.
Gus has matured early and is always on the find with Bro.
So far Gus has mainly been hunted while wearing a muzzle. This has suited him well, because he is a rather big strong dog he needs to understand that I don’t want him harming any of the pigs he catches. This way he has to think about what he is doing and to calm the pig down rather than stir it up. I enjoy skinning a pig that has no bruising.

Good eating pork with no bruising.
Back in January Gus received a nasty rip to his front shoulder which required time off the hill.
When he got ripped he wanted to keep on bailing, showing very little sign of pain.
Two days later I took the other dogs out for a hunt and when I returned home Gus meet me down the bottom of the driveway. He had managed to pull the door off his kennel and jump 3 farm gates.
Two weeks after his injury Gus was back out hunting and caught an 82 lb boar on that hunt.

Gus and Tig with the 82lb boar.

128lb boar

Gus with an 85lb boar.
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