Gus has still been getting lots of hunting in and lots of pigs but nothing big in the last couple of weeks.

Gus and Bro found and bailed a grey sow that had 6 piglets with her, it was good to see them only bail and not harm her and she got to live for another day.
To keep his training up to speed I have taken him into the training block a few times as I don’t want him thinking that he can go out and just catch the smaller ones. My training boar Pumba is about 180 lb now and we’ll versed in keeping the dogs at a distance. Any dog that gets too close will be charged. While I give Pumba extra food I have not yet been able to pat him so I have to be careful when training as I don’t know if he will have a go at me.
When out hunting Gus is most of the time on the find and I can see that he may start beating the other dogs on the find soon.