On this hunt Tig had caught a possum and Gus decided that he wanted to bring it back to me. Now this is where the important part of the training comes in. If I wanted him to do this I could call him up and pat him, telling him he’s a good boy BUT I don’t want him catching possums so I could go the other way and give him a big shock on the collar which will make him think twice about the possums in the future BUT I don’t want to shock him because that can knock his willingness to want to hunt. So I give him the tone on the collar and that’s enough to change his thinking so that he drops the possum and has not lost his confidence to want to carry on hunting.
Later in the hunt as I was riding the bike over a rise when the dogs got keen on an air scent. Tig and Bro went out 400 meters on the wind to find an 82 lb boar. As I was coming into the bail with the camera ready, the dogs grabbed him, so I quickly dispatched him with the knife.