Dog training

Hylton came in today for a couple of hours with his 16 month old bitch, Win.

For our first run we took Rastus and Gus with Win. Gus and Win tracked off and caught a small wild pig, luckily the dogs were wearing muzzles so it was let go. Next pig Gus tracked away on his own and bailed a white boar who has recently turned up in the block. When the boar broke Win gave chase but must have been knocked over as her confidence was down at the next bail. After an hour we called the dogs off and came back to the house for a cuppa.

getting charged

The break seemed to be good for Win as she stepped up on the next run. This time I took Rastus and Bro. It was Bro that tracked the previous white boar down and this time with a bit of encouragement from the dogs and the pig Win got involved. At one stage the boar broke down the creek and as I was filming he almost got me with a charge.

Win made a lot of progress in a couple of hours in the training block.