Cory and Missy came in for a quick training session. I was using breeze for this run and the first boar the dogs got onto was the black and white boar which made the dogs put in a good effort as he kept trying to break for a start. The dogs finally got him bailed up properly 400 meters away. The dogs had him here for a while before he did break again with Breeze sticking with him like glue. After fifteen minutes at this bail he broke again. Both dogs stayed with him for the a couple of minutes before Missy came back to us.

Once Breeze bailed again she was away up near the top of the block and Missy wanted to stay with us at this stage and we did not feel like going 300 meters back up the hill so I called Breeze back into heel and we started heading out of the block. We just about made the gate when Breeze bailed the three grey boars and the small white sow together. While they where bailing the wee sow broke out and breezes natural reaction was to turn to chase the breaking pig however she did not get a full step before she realized which pig it was

and turned her focus straight back to the boars without me having to say a single word. I was rapt to see that all of the training is paying off as she now knows that I only want her to concentrate on the bigger boars.