Charlie the killer cat


Charlie in the towel rack when he was a kitten
Charlie in the towel rack when he was a kitten

I am not a cat fan myself but to keep the peace with the wife I had to give in. The only say that I got about the cat was to make sure that it was fixed first as I don’t want cats running around everywhere killing everything. Charlie started off as all cute kittens do playing with toys and wanting to get his claws into the furniture anytime he could.

Charlie and his mate Snow
Charlie and his mate Snow

Cats are natural killers so it was not going to take too long before Charlie started bringing animals back into the house. I am quite happy to see him catching and killing the mice and he is doing a good job here but I do not like seeing him killing certain birds so we have a collar on him with a bell. When he was young I also had a young pup Snow and the two got on well together.

A rabbit trying to hide from Charlie
A rabbit trying to hide from Charlie

The one dog that I had to be careful with was Jeff the possum dog so Jeff was introduced in a controlled environment and is now used to seeing the cat walking around without wanting to eat him. All of my other pig dogs are ok with Charlie. He is now one year old and very confident I can recall one day being about 500 meters from the house in the scrub with the dogs when Charlie came walking on up for a pat.

gentle carrying his rabbit trying not to hurt it. still at the playing stage
gentle carrying his rabbit trying not to hurt it. still at the playing stage

In the last month he has stepped up his hunting to include the rabbits. For a start he did not seem to want to kill them but bring them back to show us. One rabbit he brought back lived in behind the fridge for about three days before the wife made me get rid of it. It was funny to watch this little baby rabbit come out to chew on a pot plant with the cat following it around as if it was his friend.

no escape
no escape

I could even pick this rabbit up and pat it but in the end he had to go before he took a toll on our gardens. I have witnessed a number of times Charlie chasing and catching rabbits and there is no way that they can get away from him when he wants them caught. He has finally realised that there is some tasty meat inside those furry little pelts so no more pet rabbits for Charlie.

You stay right there
You stay right there