
Evan Best with Blue

April 27, 2015 Bill Westwood 0

  Evan came to see me with a young blue heeler bitch named Blue. While talking to Evan he mentioned an article that I had written where I had mentioned how many mistakes I had […]

Bill's Diary

Easy hunt 126 pound boar

March 28, 2015 Bill Westwood 0

I had a couple of hunts down south with Richard Hand and Tony Hogg. While down there Tony was talking about a new dog that he had just got off John Lockley. This dogs name […]


Moving water

January 28, 2015 Bill Westwood 0

We have not had any significant rain for the past six months. With things being so dry thee creek that we get the water for the house has dried up. Down at the bottom of […]


138 pound boar

January 25, 2015 Bill Westwood 0

I only had time for a quick hunt as I had so many other jobs around home to do. For this hunt I was going to do things a little bit different form how I […]


Fencing the boundary

December 22, 2014 Bill Westwood 1

This is going to be an endless job for me for quite some time yet. One temporary fence that I have put up recently is just below the house as the bracken is growing very […]