Easy hunt, nice boar
I had been so busy lately that I was almost starting to get withdrawal symptom. It had been almost two weeks without catching a pig so after putting in an 11 hour night shift in […]
I had been so busy lately that I was almost starting to get withdrawal symptom. It had been almost two weeks without catching a pig so after putting in an 11 hour night shift in […]
It has been just over three weeks since my accident and while I have still got a lot of healing ahead of me I have started pushing myself along. The way I see it I […]
Too much dog pressure, this is a mistake that I have made many times in the past and have just been reminded of once again. I had taken all four of my pig dogs […]
I am not a cat fan myself but to keep the peace with the wife I had to give in. The only say that I got about the cat was to make sure that […]
Stock training for any young dog is very simple all I do is get a pup around stock while they are young. A young dog will always look at the older dogs and learn from […]
All pig hunters love to hunt different country and I am no different, so an invite to hunt a station down south with a couple of hunters that are in the Ridgeline team with […]