Boars of 2022
I first started pig hunting in 1989 and have been hooked ever since. Obviously, know days I like to focus on helping other hunters to train their dogs, but I still can’t help the urge […]
I first started pig hunting in 1989 and have been hooked ever since. Obviously, know days I like to focus on helping other hunters to train their dogs, but I still can’t help the urge […]
I had been so busy lately that I was almost starting to get withdrawal symptom. It had been almost two weeks without catching a pig so after putting in an 11 hour night shift in […]
Bro is now 3 months old and starting to get around a lot quicker. I call this the dash and crash stage where he loves running around but gets worn out quick so will sit […]
A lot of people want to be self sufficient but very few achieve that goal. Purchasing our property thirteen years ago was the key to achieving that goal for us. First we started with the […]
I was once again invited up to the North Island to help with judging this competition. Landing in Wellington on Friday the 19th of October I had a number to call for Will and right […]