Blair Jopson

Blair came in for 24 hours training with his 3 dogs Bailey, Doug and Lady.
Doug and Lady are from the same litter and about 13 months old predominantly greyhound/Lab ( Lockley dogs).
Bailey is the main bitch and over 5 years old.

Our first run in the block the dogs bailed the black boar and put in a good effort. Lady got a wee poke in her flank and sulked a bit while Doug got a wee rip in his front shoulder that we put a couple of staples in.
Next morning we had the black and white boar bailed and Lady forgot about her wee poke in the side and bailed well.
Over the whole time I did not need to use one of my dogs to find the pigs which gave Doug and Lady a good chance to practice the find, the stop and the bail. As for Bailey she has all of the skills of a main pig dog and will help to put a few more wild pigs into the young dogs over this winter.

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