Recently I sponsored a prize for 24 hours dog training for one adult and one child to the Green Island hunting comp. The winner was Jasmine George for weighing in the three heaviest animals in the junior section. Ben and Jasmine turned up with two dogs, Fozzy and Khan. Khan was the older of the two and was already going on the pigs yet Fozzy was still not doing a lot. It did not take too long in the training block to get Fozzy to join in on the bail.

We took the dogs for four separate runs through the pig block with the dogs getting a lot of experience at bailing. Jasmine had a ball watching and filming their dogs in action on the boars. I think dad will have trouble leaving her behind on his hunting adventures now.

When we weren’t in the training block we got out some 22’s to shoot some targets. At first Jasmine said she did not want to have a shot but once we started shooting she got hooked and shot very well. Using my semi auto with the scope she was hitting the target almost every time. She had brought along her wee single shot 22 that she had shot her three animals to win the prize of their trip up here. This was a beautiful single shot bolt action that was very light so easy for Jasmine to be able to carry around on the hill. Once we had enough of the small guns I pulled out the shot gun to shoot some clays, Jasmine did not have a shot with this gun but she did work the clay thrower for us. Jasmine’s parting words when she left was, dad I want to come out with you on your next hunt.