Bill's Diary

Nice easy pig released

February 13, 2015 Bill Westwood 0

I was planning on giving the dogs a walk but had only walked 200 meters when I saw Lightning putting his nose to the ground and take off tracking. When Lightning was down in the […]

Bill's Diary

New pups

February 11, 2015 Bill Westwood 0

  Recently I wrote an article about Fog going to be a dad. Well those pups were born two weeks ago. the mother Ruby had ten pups and they are all very healthy and growing […]

Bill's Diary

Two boars 129 – 85 pounds

February 5, 2015 Bill Westwood 0

Richard Hand has been working in Christchurch so it was not to far to come and catch up with me for the weekend. On the Friday evening we went for a drive and every time […]

Bill's Diary

New dog kennels

January 29, 2015 Bill Westwood 0

Once we had finished building our house we had some extra timber left over that I had stacked in the back of the shed taken up room. Just before Xmas I had a young fellow […]