This is the first year for this competition, organised and run by the local young farmers group in Culverden. Being their first year the number of entries were not high but I was told that only two entries did not weigh an animal in. They had the weigh in on Sunday the 14th of July at 9am – 12noon which is early for a weigh in and most of the hunters did not turn up until nearer to midday as hunters like to be out on the hill as long as they can.

The two main organisers Cheyenne Wilson and Liam Fanning had set up racks to hang the animals from and also had a set of cattle scales for weighing the animals on. Cattle scales make weighing animals so much easier as you can just put the animals on them rather than lifting them up.
By the end of the weigh in we had 19 Boars, 6 Sows and 4 stags with one of the boars having a really nice set of tusks on him that measured 21 4/8 weighed in by George Manson. George told me how he was about to stop hunting for the day as it was starting to get dark but one of his dogs tracked out across the open paddocks to bail this boar.
They also had a kids section for rabbits, Hare and Possums.

Heaviest Boar
1st Team Hotdogs 144.4 pounds
2nd Ethan Poultney 142.2 pounds
3rd Ray Ray 142.2 pounds
Best Tusks George Manson 21 4/8
Average weight Team Hotdog 106.9 pounds
Heaviest sow Team Where are you 124.5 pounds
Heaviest stag
1st Team Morning glory 201.7 pounds
2nd Bruce Hughes 176.4 pounds
3rd Team Morning glory 170.9
Best head Team Morning glory
Ugliest head Team The Kellys
Kids section
Heaviest combined weight
1st Nick Kelly
2nd Jimmy Jones
3rd Jack Kelly
Heaviest Rabbit Jimmy Jones
Heaviest Hare Riki Jones
Heaviest Possum Jack Kelly
Highest tally of animals Charlotte Schenkel