Gus, rope training
Gus is now thirteen weeks old and is ready for some boundaries. When I go to put him into his kennel, he has learned that once he’s in the kennel, he can’t run around and […]
Gus is now thirteen weeks old and is ready for some boundaries. When I go to put him into his kennel, he has learned that once he’s in the kennel, he can’t run around and […]
Gus is now coming up 13 weeks old and it’s a good time to have him around the sheep. One of the main reasons I like having a young dog around sheep is that they […]
Everything I do with Gus is a chance for him and I to learn. So while I was skinning and boneing this pig out Gus gets to smell and play with the pig and at […]
while Gus is still young there are so many opportunities to work with him. I have not bothered with sit and stay commands rather I ask him certain things like in the first video while […]
All of the young pups that I have had have behaved in a similar way and that is when they reach a certain age they work out that if they go in their kennel then […]
I teach all of my dogs not to enter our house, so the training has to start early. Because we like to leave the doors open, the opportunity is always their for a dog to […]