I went up to visit one of my neighbours, Robbie and while I was talking to him Fog went out for a look. This was the second time in a row that Fog has taken the initiative and just gone looking. Last time he caught a 104 pound boar alive. This time when I noticed that Fog was stationary at 600 meters away in another gully, I asked Robbie if he wanted to come for a walk to get the pig. First he had to get out of his shorts, singlet and jandals and put in some boots, longs and a shirt. By the time we got around to the gully where Fog was with the other dogs he had been on his own with the pig for about 25 minutes. I heard as each of the other dogs arrived and joined in on the bail. The back up was Lightning, Thunder and I had Jeff the possum dog along for a run. This boar only stayed another minute with all of the dogs before trying to out run them, which was never going to happen. Where the dogs first had him would have been a 600 meter carry down through the native to a track but after he broke the dogs stopped him in the creek right where I could get the motor bike to. Thunder did come off the boar just as I was going in to shoot.

He is still a bit cautious around the gun but that will change with time. Wee Jeff was doing a fine job. I got Robbie to hold the camera for me while I went in and shot the boar. Jeff and Fog came back from the boar when I called but Lightning did not want too back off to far. My shot was nicely placed behind the ear so he never knew what hit him. Robbie and I had a big walk back up to his hut 2km’s away in thirty plus degree heat.
That night my wife and I went up to Robbie’s for tea with another neighbour, Craig. We cooked up some of the back steaks and tender loins and they tasted delicious. I gave the rest of the pig to Craig to make into bacon and ham so I should get some of that meat when it is cured.