Two weeks ago my son was out hunting for the Waimate competition and he got onto a good grey boar. He got to see this boar on the four wheel drive track but it gave them the slip on the day. Here I was two weeks later out on my own looking for this grey boar. My son Bryce was in this area possuming as well on this day.He had seen fresh sign the day before so that was a good place to start.I had not walked far before the dogs disappeared with Lightning going up the hill and Cloud and Fog heading around the hill. Ten minutes later I

heard Cloud and Fog open up about two hundred meters away. Once Lightning hit this boar he was away at great speed. It was one km away before I caught up with them along with my sons possum dog Jeff as he to must have heard the dogs. As I closed in on the bail this boar was going crazy he just would not sit still as he was just charging dog after dog. I don’t know how none of the dogs got any injuries. As soon as I saw my chance a placed a bullet in his brain. The carry out was not to bad apart from one place where I had to cross the river that was about two feet deep and twenty feet across, one slip and you could get knocked out. At the other side of the creek I had to climb the ten foot bank then just an easy eighty
meter carry up to the motor bike.
just cheaking out ya web site bill, take it this the boar you where talking about on the phone, nice one
Hi Sam yes this is the boar that I caught on the 25th of August. He was one hell of a scrappy bugger and no dogs got hurt, which is always a bonus on those good fighters.
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