Gus turns 2
Normally I expect a dog to be catching their own pigs well before they are two but most dogs still have the odd bad day until they reach three year old and settle down. Gus has […]
Normally I expect a dog to be catching their own pigs well before they are two but most dogs still have the odd bad day until they reach three year old and settle down. Gus has […]
Dog training is on hold over the summer months due to the heat and other work commitments.I will be driving a spud truck for my son until the end of spud season.Approximately end of April.Once […]
Another year about to end. Thanks to all those hunters who either trained a dog with me or came our for a hunt this year creating memories that last a lifetime. I have been busy […]
My last four days have been spent driving a milk tanker from Darfield in North Canterbury down to Edendale in southland. This had ment that the dogs did not get much time out of their […]
Gus is now 15 months old and catching lots of pigs. On today’s hunt I had Gus, Bro and Rastus. All three dogs were wearing muzzles. One of my neighbors had sent me a photo […]
Hylton came in today for a couple of hours with his 16 month old bitch, Win. For our first run we took Rastus and Gus with Win. Gus and Win tracked off and caught a […]